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全球最知名的模聯會議來台北了!陽明交大博雅書苑攜手台灣模聯學會,在國際舞台上展現陽明交大人的國際視野和全球能動性。我們將會招募 10 名語言能力優異、且對國際事務具強烈熱忱的陽明交大學生,免費參與今年 3 月舉辦在臺北的哈佛世界模聯。

The world’s most renowned MUN conference will be arriving in Taipei! The Liberal Arts College of NYCU, together with MUN Society Taiwan (MST), will be presenting the global affinity and leadership of NYCU at Harvard WorldMUN 2024 Taipei. We are inviting 10 students proficient in English and passionate in international affairs to participate in Harvard WorldMUN for free.


What is Harvard WorldMUN?

Harvard World Model United Nations 是全球最知名的模聯會議,以文化多元性與體驗聞名。世界巡迴的特性,讓哈佛世界模聯被譽為「模聯中的奧運」。

迄今,WorldMUN 巡迴世界近 30 座城市,吸引超過 110 個國家、累績近 3 萬名學生參與。過去曾於巴黎、巴拿馬市、羅馬、首爾、日內瓦、新加坡等辦理,是受全球矚目的重要國際活動。教宗方濟各、西班牙國王菲利佩六世等,皆是過往 WorldMUN 的重要來賓。

今年第 32 屆 WorldMUN 將於臺北、由台灣模擬聯合國學會主辦。

Harvard World Model United Nations is the Olympics of MUN. Every year, WorldMUN travels to a different city, with the goal of fostering authentic cross-cultural connections. 

The world’s most diverse collegiate model UN conference and one of the largest, past WorldMUN destinations have included Rome (2016), Montreal (2017), Panama City (2018), Madrid (2019), and Paris (2023), with addresses from Pope Francis (2016) and King Felipe VI of Spain (2019). 

The 32nd iteration of WorldMUN will take place in Taipei, to be hosted by MUN Society Taiwan.


What is MUN?

模擬聯合國(Model United Nations,簡稱 MUN)由參加者扮演國際會議的國家代表,模擬會議程序討論國際議題。參與過模聯的人普遍認同,模聯增進了他們對國際事務與趨勢的理解,而在英文寫作與演說、換位思考以及團隊合作方面的能力也有顯著提升。這些實用的能力,加上模聯的高度社交性質,讓模聯在眾多課外活動中脫穎而出,成為全球學生間的熱門活動。

MUN stands for Model United Nations, where participants simulate the decision making process of international conferences by representing countries of the world. MUN is where you can learn about the international regime, bolster your public speaking skills, foster leadership, compassion, and meet friends who are passionate about international affairs.


會議日期 Date:Mar. 10 - 14th, 2024

會議地點 Venue:臺北國際會議中心 Taipei International Convention Center (TICC)
報名費用 Fees:會議報名費全免(不含自費晚宴與住宿)Free (not including selective social events and accommodation)


沒有模擬聯合國經驗也沒關係,台灣模聯學會將提供完整的訓練!若您想參與甄選,請在 1 月 28 日(三)晚上 8 時前,填寫以下表單:

Don’t worry if you do not have any MUN experiences! MUN Society Taiwan will be hosting training workshops for members of the delegation. If you would like to join the selection process, please fill in the following form before 8:00 PM, Jan. 28 (Wed.): 


若想了解活動詳情,歡迎前往會議及主辦方官方網站和 Instagram!www.worldmun.org / @harvardworldmun / @munsoc.tw